A new look for Guest House

We are delighted that we can share the news with you that our Guest house has had a face-lift.   We recently completed the work of renovating some of the rooms.   We hope that our guest house remains simple, friendly and prayerful.  It is important to us that we continue to offer a welcoming setting for our guests.

When the Guest House was finally open again after the pandemic, we wanted to find alternative ways of welcoming people. The transition to self-catering seemed to be working well and new guests were eager to join us in prayer.  We were aware that some guest rooms needed redecorating and it was at this time that we received an offer of financial help.

We made a decision to refurbish some of the Guest House rooms by installing some en suite rooms.  Stage one of the renovations began in 2021 by creating two en suite bedrooms on the ground floor level.    This downstairs area is now a separate unit with a small sitting room and a kitchenette.   Although both rooms are smaller, we are delighted at how cosy, bright and comfortable they are.  The entrance on the ground level means that access is easier for those guests who cannot manage stairs.

In November 2022 we began stage two of the work, on the top floor.  As this work was going to be more extensive, we decided to close the guest house whilst the work was being carried out.   These renovations also were funded by the same benefactor.

This time, we were required to get listed building planning consent from TDC.  We were aided by our architect John Bailey and Jessica Pierce, a student of his firm who worked along with Mother Nikola in order to prepare drawings according to our desired specifications.  Although this was a lengthy process, the work is now complete and we have two further en suite bedrooms and a linen cupboard on the top floor.   There is also small kitchenette for guests to prepare simple meals.

The bathroom on the middle floor has been renovated and now has a spacious shower.  There is also a little kitchenette with self-catering facilities.    We are living in unusual times and we feel even more convinced of the gift of monastic hospitality, not only for our guests but for our community.  You are most welcome to come and visit us sometime and please do spread the word.