“The love of Christ has gathered us together into one.
Let us rejoice and be glad in Him.”
“This then is the good zeal which monks must foster with fervent love, they should each be the first to show respect to the other”
Rule of St. Benedict

Our life of prayer, work and hospitality is lived in community. It has been said that community has a sacramental dimension in that, in the experience of community life, the hidden grace of Christ is given to each person.

Those called to live monastic life discover that in the daily events of life, God is unfolding the mystery of Himself, and the mystery of each sister. This happens slowly and sometimes painfully. We take vows that involve the sharing of our possessions, living chastely, without marrying, in obedience to the Prioress and to one another. The community is a place where each person is valued. Each sister brings her own particular gifts and is accepted with all her limitations. In our community life, we joyfully strive each day to be faithful to the prayer of Jesus “May they all be one”.