St. Benedict speaks of the importance of manual work. He says “Let all serve one another in love”. Work is another means of glorifying God as well as a way of earning our living. It has always been a hallmark of the monk and it is always done with care and reverence, since the “tools of the monastery should be treated like the sacred vessels of the altar”. In our work together we strive to live in harmony with all God’s creation. Our work in the monastic gardens, orchards, kitchens or in the Guest House, expresses respect and responsibility for the earth entrusted to our care. Our service of one another is a key element in our life as a monastic community.
The beauty of the gardens orchards and fields nourishes and sustains our life in community and our search for God.
Since the days of the first foundation in 670 the Abbey has produced much of its own food and produce. When the sisters came from Eichstatt in 1937, gardening and farming was a vital aspect of their life.

Today we no longer have our own dairy herd, but now we have a small flock of sheep. It is wonderful to see the lambs grazing in the fields adding to the beauty of our surroundings and giving us a sense of God’s loving care for all creation.
The tithe barn and other paddocks are used by neighbours for livery and grazing of horses. This helps to provide an income for the monastery, as well as caring for the land. Art, music and craft-work are also part of our life and we see them as bringing glory to God our creator.