New Solar Panels at Minster Abbey – We go live!

It was in 2020, after many years of planning, that we seriously began our application for renewable energy, with a small array of solar panels at Minster Abbey.   It has been a long journey.   Pope Francis tells us that one example of the “throw away culture” fossil fuels is our single-use energy-use that spews harmful pollution and endangers humanity” He goes on to say that “there is an urgent need to develop policies so that in the next few years the emission of carbon dioxide and other highly polluting gases must be drastically reduced, for example, substituting for fossil fuels and developing sources of renewable energy.

We met with Jonathan from SGS Energy; a local firm situated in Manston, and asked his advice in order to move forward with our plans.     He examined our whole property and suggested ground mounted solar panels, hidden from view in an unused paddock near the barn.  This type of system has been used by similar English Heritage sites.

On the afternoon before the work began, the whole community joined by our friends Lesley and Edmund, walked over to the farm area and Fr. Oliver SJ who was with us for a few days, blessed the land designated for the new project.   We sang a psalm together, praising God for the beauty of creation and we were all reminded of our responsibility to be good stewards.

On July 13th   2022 , the Feast of St. Mildred, the work of preparing the ground began by Jonathan of SGS alongside his solar energy team in full force!    The archaeological team was also present to record any significant finds.   Thus the serious work of installing the cables and solar panels began.  Ground mounted solar panels were placed in an unused paddock area near the barn. For many weeks, the whole area was a hive of activity as the team worked steadily to install and connect our renewable source of electricity.

Three phase inverters were installed, which will allow the energy to be stored in batteries.  There were almost 100 solar panels placed at ground level, out of view of the public.   This should adequately supply solar energy for the Abbey, the Guest House and Parkminster.  While the panels were being placed in position, I noticed some of the sheep inquisitively looking at these strange creatures that had taken up residence in the paddock.

Finally at the end of October we were notified that we were now “live” and that our main source of electricity provided by solar panels is now renewable energy.   We downloaded apps which are connected to phones, and show us how much energy we are creating moment by moment throughout the day!  We pray now for sunshine and to see the little arrow pointing to the energy level which is stored in the batteries.

We are so grateful to Pope Francis for his world-changing encyclical letter, Laudato Si’: On Care for Our Common Home.  This document continues to inspire us, helping us to better understand that “everything is connected”, a modern parable lived out at Minster Abbey.   As we reflect on this  journey of growing towards a renewable source of energy at Minster Abbey we are reminded of our common home, and all who come to this holy place to share in the beauty of God’s creation.